Vibox QC20 PC – Cheap Budget Desktop Computer – Minecraft – Ebay Featured Video


Cheap Desktop Pc

Vibox QC20 PC – Cheap Budget Desktop Computer – Minecraft – Ebay Featured Video

Review of the Vibox QC20 Desktop Computer, as seen on Ebay – Featuring gameplay from Minecraft, by Mojang. Please visit us at – For custom bu…
cheap desktop pc Video Rating: 3 / 5

home setup
cheap desktop pc
Image by Rob ‘n’ Rae
I have two home pcs plus a laptop.

The "server" is a AMD 600 running Mandrake (dispite the red hat sticker). Its mainly a file sever but it also runs LAMP for my own amusement.

The "games" machine is a AMD 3000 in a shuttle case. Its built in graphics of course but it doesnt look to shabby playing HL2.

The laptop is a AMD64 3300 that dual boots windows and Suse. I do most of the LAMP stuff on it as I can carry it with me. Its also pretty good for playing games on and actually has a better graphics card than the games machine.

Another couple of noteable points. Old Grandad is an original Macintosh I pulled out of a skip. It does work but it doesnt have a keyboard and mouse though. Another is my very nice 5.1 headphones. They are a bit heavy but you cant beat the edge you get with them in a game of COD.

I have a cheap desktop pc, what upgrades can I perform?

I have a cheap desktop pc – gigabyte chasis GZ-M2 (case)

Inside features:
Dual Pentium 4 Processor 2.4 ghz
2 gb ram
Intel graphics accelorator
HD sound card
Usb 2.0 (Usb 1.1 on the back)
320 gb hard disk

I was wondering what upgrades I can perform and links towards purchasing the upgrades.
Thanks For Helping me extend the life of my old desktop ?
Up to $ 300 I can spend, $ 200 ideally.

cheap desktop pc best answer:

Answer by Vulken
How much do you have to work with.
Also I don’t think cost of shipping and handling alone would justify buying any new/used parts for it.

Desktop: minimal changes
cheap desktop pc
Image by cyberfux
just changed a few things and did a little "cablework"

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