The Notebook’s Best Scenes



The Notebook’s Best Scenes

These Clips Are From The Movie, The Notebook.
Notebook Video Rating: 4 / 5

How can I scan multiple pages of a notebook using sequential scanning?

There are around 100 pages in my notebook. My scanner is CANNON MP-110. It takes a lot of time to scan even a single page.(Its intended to scan only one instance ) But when I click on ‘Preview’, its done in seconds but the image received is useless.

Is there any method using which I could scan my full notebook(multiple pages) in a more proper manner?

Notebook best answer:

Answer by airdogspace2
Do you have a way of feeding more documents to the scanner if not, then NO. If you do, then its a matter if the pages can come out of your notebook, if not, then No again.

The reason the preview is so fast is because its doing a really low quality scan (Faster your scan the less quality you get). If you lowered the quality of how detailed it scans your pages it wouldn’t take as long, but again you get less quality.

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