Technology on the Thames


Technology on the Thames

LONDON — Parts of this city have the outward signs of a budding high-tech scene. Run-down warehouses have been remodeled into gleaming office spaces. Some greasy diners have been transformed into trendy restaurants. And many wood-paneled pubs …'s Failure Starts With Leadership, Not Technology

There has been lots of fingerpointing about the digital technology problems behind If I had to net it out, I'd say that government leaders blamed it on technology contractors and the technology contractors blamed it on each other.

Modern technology still unable to extend human lifespan

Western elites along with a broad community of experts were expecting a technological revolution that would lay the groundwork for the successful development in the centuries to come. It should be stressed that these were the works of political …

People from India, China out-educating Americans in maths and technology

NEW YORK: Billions of people from countries like India and China are striving hard to "out-educate" Americans in mathematics and technology, President Barack Obama has said while stressing on education reforms to prepare Americans for a global …


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