Sony VAIO TT Series


Sony Viao

Sony VAIO TT Series

Link: True mobility comes down to three things: durability, performance and portability. Encased in top…
Sony Viao Video Rating: 3 / 5

Sony Viao??

I have been looking into getting a sony viao. I was wondering it is a good computer to have for school. One of my friends has one and he loves it. But, i just wanted to know what other people thought about it. Do you like it? Is it worth the money?

Sony Viao best answer:

Answer by donyute13
not worth the money.

They are good computers, don’t get me wrong….but u are paying solely for a name.

There is a term for this in marketing, it’s called “brand equity” and they are cashing on ppl who just want something that says sony on it.

Get an Asus instead. they are currently the industry leader in innovation.

Stay far away from the cheaply made Dells, compaq, etc

Toshibas are very good too.

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