Samsung DP700 7 Series All-in-One 27″ Windows 8 Touchscreen Computer Showcase NCIX Tech Tips


Samsung Computer

Samsung DP700 7 Series All-in-One 27″ Windows 8 Touchscreen Computer Showcase NCIX Tech Tips

With a beautiful PLS panel and responsive capacitive touchscreen (not to mention the ample power under the hood) this AIO is the perfect machine to get the m…
Samsung computer Video Rating: 4 / 5

How can I restore my computer to the original factory settings?

So, I have a Samsung computer with Windows 7 and I want to reset the entire system to the original factory settings. Is there any way to do this without the use of any sort of CD or recovery discs? Please and thank you.
Thanks so much! That’s exactly what I needed. It worked!

Samsung computer best answer:

Answer by John Nino
Go to your earliest system restore.

Open System Restore by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking All Programs, clicking Accessories, clicking System Tools, and then clicking System Restore.‌ Administrator permission required If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

Hope this helps!

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