Q&A: What is the best macbook to buy for digital video editing and photoshop?



Image by Alive Film
My new macbook!!

What is the best macbook to buy for digital video editing and photoshop?

All of the Apple Macbook products have upgraded their line, and I am choosing to buy either a Macbook or a Macbook Pro to be used for digital video editing and some photoshop work? In your opinion, which one is the best. I may consider the 13″.

macbook best answer:

Answer by Bernz
The Macbook Pro has a better graphics card and crisper screen image over the “vanilla” Macbook. So you might appreciate that one much better especially if you’re going to work a lot on it.

Also, consider the 15″, once again because for work, you will appreciate the extra screen space.

Good luck!

MacBook Keyboard View
Image by jordanmerrick
As you can see, I’ve got a bit of a contrast scheme going on with the keyboard. The black keyboard came of a broken MacBook but the keys were still intact. I had to change every key. I left the alphabetical keys off as white as it highlights them more. This helps me with Ableton Live when I launch audio clips with the keyboard, I can instantly see the layout ?

MacBook Pro late 2008 model
Image by christianrasmussen
A handful of people have bought the new MacBook or MacBook Pro model from October 2008 and brought them to the event to show off.

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