Q&A: Only to people that have a blackberry and use blackberry app world?


BlackBerry App

Only to people that have a blackberry and use blackberry app world?

Im switching from a iPhone to a Blackberry Bold. I really liked to app feature on the iPhone.

1)I was just wondering is the blackberry app world like iTunes apps?

2)Can you download more apps from the phone.

BlackBerry app best answer:

Answer by rainingblood0331
You can download hundreds of apps from app world. I think the difference between them, is you can load programs you find on the internet also, I think thats one of the things that makes blackberry better than the iphone. You can load any companies apps onto the phone, not the ones that apple says you can load. I think there are less apps on app world than there is with the iphone, but bottom line when you look at it, 90% of the apps on the iphone are rediculous, and not what normal people would use anyway. Lets face it who the hell cares what the snow pack in luxembourg is anyway, lol. The way those apps get on programs like apples store, and blackberrys app world, is the companies pay to have them on there. There are plaenty of great blackberry apps floating around, just google the one you want if you dont see it on app world.

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