Q&A: How can I prevent my Windows 7 gadgets from changing their screen positions?



Gadget sleeping with Tricia
Image by jmatthew3
Here’s a nighttime picture I took of Gadget sleeping with Tricia. I was up late, and I just happened to snap a shot of the bedroom in darkness.

How can I prevent my Windows 7 gadgets from changing their screen positions?

I have about seven gadgets lined up. At random times, they will re-arrange their screen positions such that some overlap, some are out of place, and others remain where they are. This is rather annoying because I have them lined up to specific screen positions. Has anyone heard of this bug? And if so, how do I fix it?

Gadgets best answer:

Answer by comtech391
I can only assume you need to open the desktop gadgets program and see if there is an item to check that locks them in place. Since I don’t use those, this is only a suggestion.

Gadget craziness
Image by XuRxO
Horrible photo of Alberto and Rubén work places at Prodevelop full of gadgets, netbooks and other mobile devices (included A/A command)

Tricia & Gadget
Image by jmatthew3
We just went to go get some tcby, and I took a picture of gadget in the car w/ tricia.

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