Motorola Droid Ultra, three months later



Motorola Droid Ultra, three months later

Motorola Droid Ultra, three months later Three months ago, the Motorola Droid Ultra launched as one of a trio of Droid devices on Verizon Wireless. It packs …
Droid Video Rating: 4 / 5

How do I move my video from my Motorola Droid to my computer?

I took a video on my Droid phone I want to move to my computer. I have a memory card pre-installed. The pictures I took saved to the card and transferred to the computer no problem, but the video did not. I am not offered the option of sharing video on Facebook, as I am with pictures, and the :58 second video is too large to e-mail. How do I do it?

Droid best answer:

Answer by Nathan
Connect your Droid the same way you did for the pictures, and go to sdcard/DCIM/Camera- all your pics and vids should be in there..

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