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Vectorform's Toolbox For Windows 8 Is Great For Multi-Tasking

One of Vectorform's most popular applications is the ever-evolving Toolbox for Windows 8. The free application has recorded over 850,000 downloads and is currently the number 1 productivity app available on the Windows Store. With Toolbox you can view …

Windows opstartscherm in etalage computerwinkel.
Image by Remko van Dokkum
Windows Opstartbeheer

Kies het besturingssysteem dat u wilt starten of druk op Tab om een
hulpprogramma te selecteren.
(Gebruik de pijltjestoetsen om te selecteren en druk vervolgens op Enter.)

Microsoft Windows Vista

Druk op F5 voor een geavanceerde optie voor deze selectie.


Windows Geheugencontrole

Enter=selecteren Tab=Menu Esc=Annuleren

AWS Adds SDK Support For Windows Phone And Windows Store Apps

A developer can connect Windows Phone or Windows Store apps to AWS services and build a cross-targeted application that's backed by AWS. With the addition, AWS now also offers SDK support for Windows as well as iOS and Android. AWS also added …

Windows Vista 6000 RTM-Start Menu, Windows Update
Image by six steps 
About bloody time I installed this:
the final "release to manufacturing" RTM build 6000 of Microsoft Windows Ultimate (a.k.a. Windows version 6.0)

Windows ’98
Image by geirarne
This screen on the face of Oslo’s most visited building showed the upper-left quarter of a Windows ’98 splash image almost all day today. Classy.

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