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Image by Wesley Fryer

Google lobbying to prevent anti-Glass legislation for drivers

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Google is lobbying officials in at least three US states to stop proposed restrictions on driving with headsets such as Google Glass, marking some of the first clashes over the nascent wearable technology. Eight US states – Delaware, Illinois, Missouri …

[MWC 2014] Impressive Spritz Speed Reading Technology Launching On

Technology News
From Spritz's news release it isn't clear whether this will be the default app on the phone or a preloaded one, but the technology itself makes it interesting either way. Spritz works on the principle that the human brain focuses the eye on one central …

Sky News: Twitter down after a ‘malicious’ cyber-attack
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Image by captsolo
A story considered newsworthy and "breaking news" by major news services.

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“News of the World”: a prototype app for the HP TouchPad
Technology News
Image by premasagar
Demo: (Warning: utterly non-optimised at the moment)

Winner of the HP webOS developer event at The Guardian.

This prototype is an experimental approach for exploring content (e.g. news, reviews and photos) about any place on earth.

Starting at the reader’s current location, a magazine-style page of content is pulled in for that place (e.g. a one mile square centred on Kings Cross, London). The reader can then slide the page in any of eight compass directions (north, east, south, west, nw, ne, sw, se), to re-centre the magazine at that new location (e.g. a one mile square centred on Hillingdon).

We’ve divided the world into a grid of cells, and the user can slide between any of the cells to view the content that it contains. Articles of content are linked through to their original source: e.g. a travel article from The Guardian, or a note on the history of a place from Wikipedia.

We built a native app for the HP TouchPad tablet. Happily, because this uses standard web technologies (HTML, JavaScript and CSS), it also works in a simple web browser.

The format is ideally suited to a tablet like the TouchPad: location-aware, tactile navigation, content for reading and exploring while on the move. The magazine might be used to explore content around a particular part of the world, or to follow the user on a journey.

Working in the same, familiar way as the "slippy map" of Google Maps, we provide an intuitive mechanism for browsing, though one that we have never seen in this form before.

The content could be taken from any data source that contains geo information. In our prototype, we use the Guardian Open Platform‘s travel pages and the Geonames Wikipedia web service.

We would like to explore user-curated content types, zooming in and out to widen or narrow a search, adding an actual geographical map as an accompanying layer, and a number of innovations on the user interface.

[On the day that the News of the World closed down]

Hey, Mr Gates…How about Some Technology 4 the Rest of Us

Technology News
"Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal." Albert Einstein. Ah, progress. Technology races ahead, rapidly improving systems – systems outdated before understood how they work when they were still dated – while …

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