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The virtual machine software wars continue – Red Hat launches RHEV 3.4

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It isolates and encapsulates an entire system image, from the operating system all the way up to application software, and then makes it possible for more than one image to reside on a specific physical system at the same time. This makes it possible …

Photos of Shame
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Image by Alejandro Castro
Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara 2010
Guadalajara, Jalisco, México

Steve Wozniak helps crowdfund M for 'America's Operating System'

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Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Inc. speaks during a news conference in Tokyo, Japan, in February 2013. Yesterday he turned his attention to what he calls different kind of operating system, the way people elect their officials. Kiyoshi Ota / Bloomberg.

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Image by justonlysteve

Have operating system, will travel: How to run virtual machines from a flash drive

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Most of the time, one operating system per computer is enough. But on occasion, you might want to boot up a second operating system for security reasons, testing purposes, or compatibility with specific software. Technical details typically restrict …

Android … ‘Apple’s nightmare’ (7 September 2013) …item 2.. Dean Martin & Goldie Hawn – Smart People? …item 4.. Pink Floyd – Welcome to the Machine …
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Image by marsmet473a
Android is an open-source operating system which means that any manufacturer can use it in their phones free of charge.

………*****All images are copyrighted by their respective authors …….


… marsmet474 photostream … Page 1[email protected]/?details=1

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Thanks for giving our new photo page a try. If you have feedback, we’d like to hear from you.

In spite of the beta test page not being fully functional, the opt out button has been removed and only a "Feedback" button remains.

*** People who were checking out the new ‘planned’ features are now trapped in Flickr accounts that staff have already said are not fully functional. ***

Please roll back this change so that people can continue to use Flickr until everything is implemented on the new page.

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How do I turn off this horrible beta format?!

— WebBarbie says:

This beta format doesn’t work, it doesn’t do ANYTHING! How do I get out of it?
Posted at 8:29PM, 29 November 2013 PST

— Moogyblues says:

You can’t. It’s horrible forever now.

— spex357 says:

Posted 2 days ago

— ColleenM says:


If you are in the beta test group that has the option to switch back to the current format, ou will see a blue button at the lower left corner that says ‘feedback". Click that and see if one of the options is to opt-out.

Not everyone has the opt out button.
Posted 2 days ago.


— Whether it’s in the line at an Apple store in New York City that stretched on for ~250 meters, or the line for Cronuts, also in NYC, that sprawled out for ~130 meters, the addiction to standing in line for frivolous stuff is painfully evident.

……item 1)…. ‘Apple’s nightmare’: Amazon considering offering smartphones for free, claims report …

… Mail Online – Daily Mail …

… Amazon plans to ‘undercut rivals and grab meaningful market share’ in the smartphone market
… If Amazon can successfully lure people away from Apple and Samsung technology, those companies may be forced to lower their prices to compete

PUBLISHED: 00:52 EST, 7 September 2013 | UPDATED: 07:56 EST, 7 September 2013

Online retail giant Amazon is considering offering its much-anticipated smartphone for free, it has been reported.

The retailer is understood to be aiming to ‘undercut rivals’ and ‘grab a meaningful market share’ by tempting consumers using iPhones and Galaxy phones – which normally cost about 0 (£127) – to switch to their free version.

However, it is thought the company, which is already behind the hugely popular Kindle e-reader, may require its smartphone users to sign up to services such as its loyalty programme, Amazon Prime

img code photo … Kindle e-reader (right)…

‘Apple’s nightmare’: If Amazon, which is already behind the popular Kindle e-reader (right) can conquer the market with free phones, Apple may be forced to lower the prices on its iPhone (left)

Phone credit: none listed


img code photo … iPhone (left)…

‘Apple’s nightmare’: If Amazon, which is already behind the popular Kindle e-reader (right) can conquer the market with free phones, Apple may be forced to lower the prices on its iPhone (left)

Phone credit: none listed


Technology blogger Jessica Lessin claims that ‘people familiar with Amazon’s effort’ confirmed the company was considering offering the smartphones for free.

But it is expected to come with some strings attached.


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‘One of them is whether Amazon would require its smartphone owners to pay for services such as Amazon Prime, the company’s loyalty program,’ Lessin writes in her blog.

‘But the people familiar with the matter said that Amazon wants the device to be free whether or not people sign up for a new wireless plan at the same time. (Wireless carriers typically discount the price of devices if customers sign up for a one or two-year wireless contract.)’

img code photo … Cost…

Cost: Smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy typically cost about 0 (£127)

Bloomberg via Getty images


One of the sources says Amazon – which is yet to throw its hat into the smartphone game but is rumored to be interested in doing so – has been in communication with wireless service providers about offering the phone on other carriers.

The phone, however, would be offered directly to consumers through a website.

Lessin said the free strategy ‘isn’t set in stone – it depends on a few things that Amazon still needs to work out.

For example, the company will need to figure out the financial arrangements with hardware suppliers who are actually manufacturing the phones – something one of Lessin’s sources isn’t entirely sure is feasible.

img code photo … Free?…

Free? Amazon is rumored to be considering undercutting its competitors when it enters the smartphone market by offering free phones



Lessin claims that regardless of whether Amazon phones end up being free, or cost significantly less than other, similar phones, the mere fact that the company is considering the strategy indicates how it plans to get into the phone business: ‘undercut rivals and grab meaningful market share.’

If it works, other smartphone companies could potentially be forced to follow suit and offer their products for much lower prices, or even for free.

Lessin described the scenario as ‘Apple’s Nightmare.’

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…..item 2)…. youtube video … Dean Martin & Goldie Hawn – Smart People? … 5:41 minutes …


Uploaded on Mar 15, 2011

Dean Martin & Goldie Hawn – Smart People?


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… Dumb Is Beautiful

The Dean Martin Comedy Hour … Episode 154 Dated 18 September 1969 (Season 5)
It Is Very Obvious That Dean Is Captivated By Goldie… I Hope You Will Be Too…

…..item 3)…. Insanity and obsession in the age of the iPhone …

… FSU News …

img code photo … Apple store…

People wait in line outside and Apple store to purchase the iPhone 5 late last year. / AFP / Getty Images

Sep. 25, 2013 |

Written by
Adrian Chamberlin
Senior Staff Writer

FSU News
FSU News Adrian Chamberlin

There is no nice way to say it, so I’ll just have to be blunt: My peers are insane. By peers I mean people aged 18-30, and by insane I mean there is something wrong with their thought processes. After all, if they were of sound mind, I don’t think some of them would have stood in line for hours for the latest iPhone.

Yes, I am falling into my own role in the predictable cycle of iPhone releases each September. That process goes something like this. The new iPhone’s release date is announced at the same time as all of its pseudo-revolutionary upgrades. Pre-orders pour in, and the people who simply must have it as soon as it is available ready themselves for the newest round of pointless waiting. Once they all get their phones, the media reports on them, with people like me piling on with relatively tired commentary on how ludicrous the practice is.

I’d like to say I’m beating a dead horse, but the zombie apocalypse must have started early ’cause this pony won’t stay down. In other words, people keep lining up for the new iPhone. Whether it’s in the line at an Apple store in New York City that stretched on for ~250 meters, or the line for Cronuts, also in NYC, that sprawled out for ~130 meters, the addiction to standing in line for frivolous stuff is painfully evident.

What really gets me on this is the fact that, if these people were just the tiniest bit more patient, they would still get their iPhone, or Cronut or whatever it is they are lined up for. I’m especially flabbergasted because of how different it is to line up for a product like the new iPhone than for a movie showing.

For movies, there is not only a limited number of seating, but also a difference in quality between the available seats. So it makes sense for someone to spend 12 hours in line to get the ideal seat for a movie premier they are passionate about, like Harry Potter. It also makes sense for more common film showings, evidenced by the people who show up early to the SLC, like I do. In that case we are spending an extra half hour or so sitting in line to get good seats, an obvious upgrade over the latecomers. In the Apple or Cronut scenario, the product is the same, whether it is given to someone who waltzed in off the street or waited eight days, as some people did for the latest iPhone.

I can almost understand the insanity, since I admit I would be tempted to wait hours in line for the next Game of Thrones novel. But there is no getting around the complete lack of logic present here.

And there are so many other, better ways to use that time. Like, say, studying for classes if you are still enrolled in school. Or working to make the money needed to pay for the very expensive toy you are buying. Or actually contributing something to society. You know, other stuff.

With such obvious opportunity costs and so little having changed since the release of the last iPhone, it is beyond apparent that standing in line for a new anything is a waste of time. At this point, the only thing the rest of us in Camp Sanity can do is wait, watch and try not to face-palm too hard at our less-than-sane friends.

…..item 4)…. youtube video … Pink Floyd – Welcome to the Machine [HD] … 7:29 minutes …


Published on Nov 5, 2012

"Welcome to the Machine" is the second song on Pink Floyd’s 1975 album Wish You Were Here. It is notable for its use of heavily processed synthesizers and guitars, as well as a wide and varied range of tape effects.


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Google to reveal in-car operating system. Should Apple be worried?

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Google is set to reveal Auto Link, an in-car operating system, at a conference later this month. Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP/File. View Caption. It was only a matter of time: Following the launch of Apple's CarPlay in-car operating system at this year's …

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