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Green? ITU wants to standardize eco-ratings for mobile phones

Mobile News
Smartphones are an ecological disaster, and there's very little evidence that users care. Nonetheless, during the ITU's Green Standards Week, industry experts proposed an eco-rating system that would enable buyers to make a more informed choice between …

mobile most lucrative
Mobile News
Image by Will Lion
Mobile looks like it will ultimately be the highest of ad rates | Google CEO Eric Schmidt

Minisuit Mobile Bluetooth Keyboard for New Nexus 7 Review

Mobile News
The Minisuit Mobile Bluetooth Keyboard for the new Nexus 7 fits the tablet perfectly, covering the screen and matching the style of the new Nexus 7′s back with a similar outer shell. The faux aluminum material gives it a feeling of quality at a budget …

News as it happens with the person who’s making it
Mobile News
Image by JamesB
Fathers for Justice bod Guy Harrison speaks to Sky News via mobile phone from the top of the Houses of Parliament. Kinda interesting. Except Sky’s idea of interesting and my idea of interesting just aren’t the same:

Sky News Presenter:

"so you don’t suffer from vertigo then?"

Guy: "er, no"

Sky: "how big is the shelf you’re sitting on"

Guy: "It’s not very big"

Sky:"You’re not wearing anything special today?"

Guy:"er, no, not today…."

and on. dumb. dumb. dumb.

Humble Mobile Bundle 2 for Android Brings 6 Games, Debuts Star Command

Mobile News
After Windows, Mac and Linux users got to enjoy six games for a pay-what-you-want price earlier this month, it's now time for Android users to rejoice. The Humble Mobile Bundle 2 has six games running on Android, including two titles that are making …

Start Spreading the News
Mobile News
Image by Andrew Chee
// mobile

Facebook Ramping Up Efforts to Improve Mobile-Advertising

Mobile News
While mobile made up 41 percent of ad revenue in the second quarter, up from 30 percent in the previous period, Facebook remains a distant No. 2 in a market led by Google Inc. (GOOG), EMarketer Inc. said. The updates are aimed at improving the odds …

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