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Google Server Error
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Image by Remko van Dokkum
502 Server Error


Server Error
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.

Please try again in 30 seconds.

Update on Gmail
2/24/2009 07:29:00 AM
The Gmail outage that affected many consumers and Google Apps users worldwide is now over. Users should find that they’re able to access their email now without any further problems.

Before you can access your Gmail, you may be asked to fill in what’s called a ‘CAPTCHA’ which asks you to type in a word or some letters before you can proceed. This is perfectly normal when you repeatedly request access to your email account, so please do go through the extra step – it’s just to verify you are who you say you are.

The outage itself lasted approximately two and a half hours from 9.30am GMT. We know that for many of you this disrupted your working day. We’re really sorry about this, and we did do everything to restore access as soon as we could. Our priority was to get you back up and running. Our engineers are still investigating the root cause of the problem.

Obviously we’re never happy when outages occur, but we would like to stress that this is an unusual occurrence. We know how important Gmail is to you, and how much people rely on the service.

Thanks again for bearing with us.

Posted by Acacio Cruz, Gmail Site Reliability Manager

Current Gmail outage
2/24/2009 04:28:00 AM
If you’ve tried to access your Gmail account today, you are probably aware by now that we’re having some problems. Shortly after 10 9:30am GMT our monitoring systems alerted us that Gmail consumer and businesses accounts worldwide could not get access to their email.

We’re working very hard to solve the problem and we’re really sorry for the inconvenience. Those users in the US and UK who have enabled Gmail offline through Gmail Labs should be able to access their inbox, although they won’t be able to send or receive emails.

We’re posting updates to the Gmail Help Centre at and Google Apps users can visit the Google Apps help centre at

Thanks for bearing with us while we sort this out. We’ll report back as we make progress.

Posted by Acacio Cruz, Gmail Site Reliability Manager

Nieuws » Internet » Webappsdinsdag 24 februari 2009

Wereldwijde problemen met Gmail
Paniek op het internet

Andy Stevens
24 februari 2009
dit artikel
Gmail, de webmaildienst van Google, is tijdelijk niet beschikbaar. Wie de site probeert te openen, krijgt de volgende foutmelding voorgeschoteld:

Server Error. The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.

Google Nederland bevestigt dat de problemen met Gmail wereldwijd zijn, maar voegt eraan toe dat de oorzaak nog niet bekend is. Het zou overigens alleen om de webdienst gaan: wie Gmail via POP3/IMAP gebruikt, zou geen problemen ondervinden. Het probleem ontstond iets voor de middag, ondertussen lijkt de maildienst opnieuw te werken.

Opvallend is de paniek die bij veel mensen toeslaat omdat ze Gmail niet meer kunnen openen. Op Twitter is de berichtenstroom over het falen van Gmail (intussen al smalend ‘Gfail’ genoemd) niet bij te houden.

Verwacht wordt dat Gmail in de komende uren weer volledig operationeel is.,,2-13-1443_247529…

Panic: Gmail turns into Gfail
24/02/2009 14:15 – (SA)

Birgit Ottermann

Cape Town – Users of Google’s Gmail are in a flat spin and experiencing a collective nervous breakdown online because they are unable to access their Gmail accounts.

According to nervous twittering and numerous blog entries, the problem kicked in at around 12:20 (10:20 GMT) on Tuesday morning.

Looking at the tweets and moans posted from all over the world, the problem seems to be global.

"Server Error. The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request. Please try again in 30 seconds," reads the message to users, who try to access their mail.

A Google spokesperson told British gadget news and reviews website Pocket Lint that their engineers are working on it but have no clue why the errors are turning up.

The problem seems to be related to the website, as users report that they are still able to access email via their desktop inboxes and phones.

In the meantime, Google posted the following message on its Gmail support site:

"We’re aware of a problem with Gmail affecting a small subset of users. The affected users are unable to access Gmail. We will provide an update by February 24, 2009 6:30 AM PST detailing when we expect to resolve the problem. Please note that this resolution time is an estimate and may change."

At the time of publishing this story, Gmail was still not working.

– News24

News > Surfers hit by Gmail breakdown

Surfers hit by Gmail breakdown
February 24, 2009
Web User

Some internet users are unable to access their Google Mail account this morning because of a server error.

After signing into a Gmail account, a 502 server error message appears which says: "Server Error. The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request. Please try again in 30 seconds."

>> 15 top tips for Google Mail

A 502 server error does not mean that there is anything with your computer, rather the server is experiencing high volumes of traffic and is congested.

Google said that the problem is affecting a ‘small subset of users’ and it will make further announcements detailing the problems with the Gmail servers on its Gmail Discussion page in Google Groups.

More than 113 million people use Google mail worldwide, according to comScore.

Are you experiencing problems with Google Mail? Let us know on the Web User forums.–gmail-storing-onder-con…

Gepubliceerd: Dinsdag 24 februari 2009
Auteur: Loek Essers

Volgens Google zijn de wereldwijde problemen met Gmail voorbij. De oorzaak is nog onbekend.

"Als je geprobeerd hebt om je Gmail account te bereiken ben je erachter gekomen dat we een paar problemen hebben. Kort na 10:30 uur vanochtend wezen onze systemen ons erop dat consumenten en zakelijke klanten wereldwijd niet bij hun Gmail accounts kwamen", aldus Acacio Cruz, Gmail Site Reliability Manager, op het Google Blog.

Die problemen hielden in Nederland tot rond half twee aan. De site was volgens Google zelf 2,5 uur niet bereikbaar, en zou dus vanaf 1 uur weer volledig functioneren.
Toegang met Captcha

Nu moet de e-mailservice overal ter wereld weer normaal werken. Voordat gebruikers opnieuw kunnen inloggen bij Gmail wordt er gevraagd om een Captcha in te vullen. Volgens Cruz is dit geen beveiligingsmaatregel. "Dit is volstrekt normaal als je vaak achter elkaar probeert in te loggen." De maatregel is ingebouwd om te controleren of het daadwerkelijk om de gebruiker gaat die probeert in te loggen en niet om bijvoorbeeld een computeraanval.

"We weten dat deze storing bij veel van jullie een werkdag heeft verstoord. Hiervoor onze excuses. We hebben er alles aan gedaan om iedereen zo snel mogelijk weer in te laten loggen. Onze prioriteit was jullie weer aan de slag te krijgen", gaat Cruz door het stof.
Oorzaak onbekend

Over de exacte problemen wil hij echter niets kwijt. "Onze technici onderzoeken nog steeds wat de oorzaak van dit probleem is." Volgens de Reliability Manager bestempelt de storing als ‘ongebruikelijk’.

"According" "Birgit" "British" "Cape" "" "Discussion" "Error" "February" "Gfail" "Gmail" "Google" "Google’s" "Groups" "Internet" "Looking" "Mail" "More" "News" "News24" "Nieuws" "Opvallend" "Ottermann" "POP3/IMAP" "PST" "Paniek" "Please" "Pocket" "Server" "Some" "Stevens" "Surfers" "Tuesday" "Twitter" "Verwacht" "Web" "Wereldwijde" "able" "access" "according" "account" "accounts" "affected" "affecting" "announcements" "anything" "appears" "around" "artikel" "aware" "because" "bekend" "berichtenstroom" "beschikbaar" "bevestigt" "blog" "breakdown" "collective" "comScore" "complete" "computer" "congested" "desktop" "detailing" "email" "encountered" "engineers" "entries" "error" "errors" "estimate" "expect" "experiencing" "falen" "februari" "flat" "following" "forums" "foutmelding" "gadget" "gebruikt" "global" "high" "hit" "inboxes" "internet" "mail" "maildienst" "mean" "meantime" "million" "nervous" "numerous" "oorzaak" "operationeel" "paniek" "people" "phones" "posted" "probleem" "problem" "problemen" "problems" "provide" "publishing" "related" "resolution" "resolve" "reviews" "server" "servers" "site" "spin" "spokesperson" "subset" "support" "temporary" "tijdelijk" "tips" "top" "traffic" "tweets" "twittering" "volledig" "volumes" "voorgeschoteld" "webdienst" "webmaildienst" "website" "wereldwijd" "working" "world" "worldwide"……

The 6 Commandments of Buying Gadgets

Gadgets News
So simple, yet so often overlooked: It's smart shopping to splurge on the items you spend a lot of time with, and skimp on the ones you don't. “Don't worry about the price,” says Brian Lam, founder of gadget decision-making site The Wirecutter …

Slow news day
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Image by hugovk
This sort of thing is reported quite often.
Well, all’s well that end’s well.

Scene: At the salon, the rollers are already on.

"Ooh, Vera, did you hear what happened over in Timperley the other day?"
"No, Doris, what?"
"Well, it all happened down Mayfield Road, you know."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, it did. There was a fire, in a dishwasher!"
"In a dishwasher, really?"
"Yes, imagine that!"
"Ooh, these new gadgets, you can never trust them."
"No, you can’t. They even had to call out the fire brigade."
"My word, what a thing!"
"It was, really it was. But turns out there was a happy ending."
"Oh, Doris, what?"
"Well, by the time the firemen had got there the fire had already gone out!"
"What a jolly stroke of luck!"
"I read all about it in the Messenger. Quite a thing."
"More tea ladies?"
"Yes please dear."
"Oh, go on then. Well Doris, you’ll never guess what happened in Ashton On Mersey last Thursday…"

I’m sure that conversation actually lasted at least twice as long.

Five must-have gadgets for your new college dorm room

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I'll never forget the moment I first laid eyes on my freshman year dorm room. I swung open the heavy door to find a tiny room sporting old furniture, awful linoleum floors and cinder block walls—all the ambiance you'd expect universitry housing …

Sleazy gossip site – livedoor news.
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Image by MIKI Yoshihito (´・ω・)

These Are The Gadgets Forcing Us To Rethink Privacy

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Tech consumers are becoming increasingly privacy-conscious, and the catalyst of late seems to be Edward Snowden's big reveal of PRISM, the NSA's domestic spying program. But look at all the information about ourselves we voluntarily punt out into the …

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