Latest Apple Television News


Apple Once Again Offering iTunes Gift Card With Apple TV Purchase in

Apple Television
The current crop of rumors suggests a 2015 update for Apple's television-related hardware, with delays to a rumored set-top box interfacing with live and on-demand content reportedly due to ongoing negotiations with cable companies. Rumors have …

Do The iWatch And iTV Really Exist?

Apple Television
The iWatch rumors are similar to those of Apple's illustrious and mysterious television set. Built with a high resolution display (which would have cost $ 25,000 two years ago) and other bells and whistles, iTV was expected to be the ultimate home …

The new Apple iPhone advert: 'narcissistic numpties'

Apple Television
Lycra-clad blokes bouncing on beds to wake up their understandably furious wives! Bare hench ladies running up steps like Rocky! Slobs standing on bathroom scales and huffing at the results! Yes, sports fans, it's Apple's unnaturally upbeat “strength …

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