Latest Android News


Judgment day for Android: Apple, Microsoft file lawsuit against Google, Samsung

Yesterday, on Halloween, a consortium of companies including Microsoft, Apple, Sony, Ericsson, and BlackBerry filed lawsuits again Android manufacturers such as Samsung, HTC, LG, Huawei, Asustek, and ZTE, as well as other Android manufacturers.

Android on T-Mobile website
Image by Todd Barnard
Behind the sign-in, then an URL hack ( – If you are interested ) shows Android phone, in black, clickable, but goes no where.

Image by osde8info

Android 4.4 KitKat lets you say 'OK Google' to activate touchless search

"Okay Google." Those Touchless Controls aren't just for the Moto X anymore — they're now part and parcel of the Nexus 5. With today's unveiling of Google's (terribly leaked) Nexus 5, we're getting a first look at Android 4.4 KitKat on the handset, and …

Hands On With The Nexus 5 And Android 4.4 KitKat

After months of hype and more questionably “accidental” leaks than any device in recent memory, Google announced their new flagship Android handset this morning. I've only had the device in my hands for a few hours, so it'll be a few days before I'm …

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