How many phones will microsoft office pro work on?


Microsoft Office

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Microsoft Office
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How many phones will microsoft office pro work on?

I just bought the Microsoft office pro for my android but I have a couple of phones on my account that are androids, can I put the Microsoft office on the other droids without it costing extra money?

Microsoft Office best answer:

Answer by Tweeter & the MonkeyMan
Microsoft doesn’t make anything (yet) that works on Android in the Office Family.
There are some prototypes being tested (like Access and OneNote)
There are 3rd-party applications that can transfer data or are similar.. DocstoGo, Evernote, and others.
There are online versions of Microsoft WebApps, but this works through a web browser, not an installation.

Check the product you purchased, and see what the license says.
If you really do have Microsoft Office for Android – I’d love to see it.
.. I am a low-level MS registered partner, and I own a ‘droid

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I couldn’t help myself. I have been meaning to try different ways to easily add images to my blog posts, and this was an irresistable choice for experimentation.

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