How do you get Microsoft outlook 2000 to connect to wireless connection?


Microsoft Outlook

How do you get Microsoft outlook 2000 to connect to wireless connection?

I have an old copy of Microsoft outlook.I set up an email account but now my emails wont go through.It only gives me options to connect to local area dial up and broad band.How do I get it to connect to my belkin wireless connection?

Microsoft Outlook best answer:

Answer by Ben
Microsoft Outlook doesn’t connect to any Internet connection. Like all programs, Outlook lets Windows handle the connections and just hooks into that. If you can access the Internet through Internet Explorer, Outlook should also be able to connect. The reason you don’t see wireless in your Internet connection settings is because you’re looking at the Internet connection options built in to Windows XP, which was written long before wireless networks became popular.

The problem may be that your Outgoing (SMTP) server may not be configured properly. Email is sort of a strange thing in that sending and receiving mail are completely different and have to be configured separately.

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