How do you fix VIrgin mobile cell phone picture uploader system error?


System Error

How do you fix VIrgin mobile cell phone picture uploader system error?

My girlfriend’s prepaid cell phone from Virgin mobile haa had a system error when ever she wants to upload photos she has taken. It says try agian later but it has been four days. She has a wildcard cell phone and she pays for texting and all that, but when we try to uplaod the pictures the phone says system error. She got the phone in febuary. And help would be appreciated

system error best answer:

Answer by Tina G
The first rule of cell phones is: Take the battery out for 5 minutes and then put it back in. If that doesn’t work under Tools there should be a “System” and then “Firmware Update”.

If neither of those options work, try calling *2 from the phone and talk to tech help.

Good Luck ?

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