For 80 Years, X-Acto Has Been on the Cutting Edge of Edge Cutting


Image by mjtmail (tiggy)
todays watch word is ergonomic.
the keyboard forces you to type properly, so its taking me some time to get used to typing properly again (damn laptop) the mouse is a thing of beauty, aside from the stoopid windows button (in blue!) its also got a back button which is brilliant for when you’re trauling the interwebs. the sepperate numeric keypad also doubles as a calculator – nice touch in having a button that starts calculator.

i should have probably cleared some of the shit off my desk before snapping this, but i make no claims to be a product photographer ?

For 80 Years, X-Acto Has Been on the Cutting Edge of Edge Cutting

Though the simple design hasn't ostensibly changed much from that first model, it's constantly refined and perfected in search of perfect ergonomics and the ideal blade – one that balances a sharp edge with the ability to maintain that sharp edge …

Ann Arbor area business briefs: Humantech and NSF International

Ann Arbor-based ergonomics consulting firm Humantech recently announced the addition of Kay ArDilonge as manager of business development. She will be responsible for the corporate sales of Ergopoint, Humantech's online ergonomics training and …

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