BlackBerry App Roundup for July 4, 2014


BlackBerry App Roundup for July 4, 2014

BlackBerry app
Howdy CrackBerry nation! Today is Independence Day in the US, so I send you my best wishes for the holiday weekend. For all of our Canadian readers, I hope you enjoyed Canada Day. Don't forget to check out the July 4th sale at the CrackBerry store for …

BlackBerry Turns To Amazon To Fix BlackBerry's App Problem

BlackBerry app
BlackBerry has partnered with Amazon in a deal that will bring Amazon's Android Appstore to BlackBerry devices. Why? As BlackBerry's CEO John Chen tells the WSJ, he simply doesn't have time, energy and money to build a proper app ecosystem, which …

BlackBerry partners with Amazon for massive app boost

BlackBerry app
While there are any number of reasons for BlackBerry's troubles one of the biggest is surely the lack of apps available for its smartphones, particularly in comparison to Android and iOS. But by putting Amazon's Appstore on its devices users will have …

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