Automatically Get Song Lyrics for iTunes, Windows Media Player or WinAmp


Music organization software such as iTunes, Windows Media Player and WinAmp have grown rapidly and evolved over the past few years. These popular apps now have more support and features than ever.

iTunes now offers things like Ping, Genius, DJ and Match. Windows Media Player has evolved just as nicely, now boasting features like custom libraries and even greater Media Center integration. However, these programs still do not offer some basic, core features that many users demand, one being the auto-import of lyrics for songs and albums.


If you would like to add lyrics support to any of the three mentioned programs, iTunes, WMC or WinAmp, the process is actually quite simple as it can all be done via plugin. There have been a few lyrics plugins, particularly for iTunes, to reach the mainstream. However, most of them simply received mixed to low reviews because they could not match or find lyrics for many songs. These plugins would retrieve lyrics as intended, but they simply didn’t have a quality foundation to pull in lyrics from.

The Get LyricsSeeker plugin, however, is a highly popular plugin that has gotten fairly good reviews. What makes this plugin different from others on the market? The plugin is actually distributed and powered by the popular website MetroLyrics, one of the more popular lyrics websites on the net, but also a lyrics site that has a vast collection of lyrics cataloged. With a foundation from a site like MetroLyrics, the LyricsSeeker Plugin is able to find more accurate lyrics for more songs.


To get started, jump to the official plugin page and download the according plugin for your music organization software of choice: iTunes, Windows Media Center, or WinAmp. Also note, the software is available for both Windows and Mac.


For this tutorial we will be installing the LyricsSeeker Plugin for Windows Media Player. However, the process for iTunes and WinAmp will be quite similar, as each version is essentially the same plugin.

Once the download finishes, proceed to install the plugin just as you would any other app.


Upon successful installation, the plugin should be immediately ready to use. Proceed to startup either iTunes, Windows Media Player, or WinAmp. From there, simply double click any song in your library to begin playing it.


Now, you may notice that nothing happened. Where are the lyrics? The LyricsSeeker software is marketed as a plugin, however, it runs separately from iTunes, WMC, and WinAmp, but in collaboration. This is good in a way, because it doesn’t mess with the iTunes (WMC and WinAmp) core software, but rather, assists it.

With a song active and playing, the plugin will actually display a notification, similar to a smartphone notification, from the taskbar.


Thus, simply click the lyrics button if you would like to view lyrics for the song. From there, your default web browser will launch with the active window containing the song’s lyrics.


That’s basically all there is to it. Now, you don’t have to manually launch a web browser and search for lyrics and navigate through several pages. The LyricsSeeker plugin auto recognizes a song that is playing and presents the option to open the lyrics directly from the desktop.

From a business perspective, this plugin is indeed meant to draw more visitors to the MetroLyrics website. However, there is a good possibility that you would end up on the website anyways if having to manually look up lyrics.

For anyone that enjoys having lyrics with their music, this is a simple plugin that does not mess with the core software of the music organization software (iTunes), but does fetch lyrics rather effectively. Thank you for stopping by the site for today’s post. If anyone knows of any other quality lyrics plugins, feel free to leave a comment in order to help others.


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